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Amsterdam is a very beautiful country which is known for their wild windmills, clogs and cheese. People think that there isn’t much to do, but they’re not seeing the heart of this wonderful country.

With their love for food, art, fashion and music, why not spend a spectacular city break viewing the magnificent Van Gogh while enjoying some Dutch fries.

In the heart of Amsterdam you can take a lovely stroll down the streets taking in the fresh cheese smelt air and view the Dam Square or even the Royal Palace and the fabulous Rjiksmuseum.

Because this unqiue country is close to the UK, the flights are quite cheap! So why not get away for a few days with your party.

Anne Frank Huis

Anne Frank is one of the most famous writers and diarist of all time because of her and her family living in this house in Amsterdam during the World War Two. Why not visit her house and her world famous dairy which was hiding behind the bookcase and falling deep into history.


Amsterdam is known for its Art Museums, so why not visit one of the museums. You can see the breath-taking pieces of Van Gogh or even going to the house boat museums which is a very different living to some people, but why not try it? There is even a museum that is dedicated to cats! Why wouldn’t you want to visit that?

Other attractions

Amsterdam is known for their famous canal’s and architecture, you can even explore this city by riding around on the fabulous bicycle, it’s a magnificent way to get around Amsterdam and helps you drop those pounds you’ve been trying to for months!

Even that’s not it, if cycling is too much you can always use the open top Canal Cruises, whatever you decide to do, you will not be disappointed with Amsterdam.